Once I returned from the States from a lovely X-mas with family and friends (I mean, my little Ri is just the sweetest), I took to the stereotypical resolution planning. I am not one to get real particular about it, but the urge to cleanse is etheral for me. On the typical day I focus on the food I put in my mouth and the thickness of "cold protection" forming on my extremities, but I step it up in January to aid the "post cookie tin" recovery.
I am back in Bikram yoga twice a week, and running as well. Diet is veg, grain and legume heavy (I mean, I have never loved lentils so much!). Actually made it three days in a row without wine in week one. (ha, ha).
I instituted the pay-it-forward philosophy. I knew that early in the new year organizational and strategic changes meant things were going to go bananas quite soon. So, as a result I had little guilt from taking it easy early in the month (which also helped me keep up the exercise program). Things hit hectic pace about mid-month, but I was rested and on-point to tackle the challenging times. I'm hitting a high at work right now ... it just feels right and its preparing me for the next phase. Drive ... determination ... vision. Look out.

Early in the month I didn't even want to ponder travel, as all I wanted to do was hang in lovely London, waking late and enjoying strolls in the afternoon. Though, soon enough life offered up the need to start booking, and inevitably this got me into personal travel planning. Since I moved to London I had a mental goal of one trip a month. So far, that goal has been fulfilled. I'm kind of an over-achiever, so this goal too must go on! Last week it began ... Milan (work), this week Paris (work) and onto Chicago/Florida (love/work), Hamburg, Germany (work), Barcelona (pleasure/work), and Florence, Italy (pleasurable girls' weekend). That gets me through March ... April has another US trip, Paris and Milan (hmmm Venice?) ... May to Mykonos, Greece for a girls trip. Definitely more travel blogs to come in 2013 ... and to think I have yet to plan Champagne, Burgundy, Portugal, and the Amalfi Coast.