Sunday, June 7, 2009

Exhileration of a Completed Project

"Yes!" I shouted in a whisper as I did a couple skips down my short hall and pushed my right fist up into the air. I had just finished taking the pictures of my most recent finished project ... and it was perfect. Exactly as envisioned, and maybe even a little better.

Farmer's markets are a delight for me, and now I have a little something, something to make the trips even more enjoyable. I'm looking forward to tucking away the in season picks of the week into this market bag I pulled together, complete with its "Green is Clean" labeling and a detachable carrot. I did a little test and four wine bottles ... no problem. Ha! Sure to get some attention.

The exhileration of a competed project is so satifying, and I fear addicting, as I rush to start my next project as soon as the last is complete only to race towards this feeling again.

You can make you very own Ilene Market Bag by searching for the pattern at You can check out and follow my obsession under

Monday, June 1, 2009

First ever blog

So, I'm giving this bloggin thing a shot.

I've been told that people out there may actually have interest in my various thoughts about my daily things.  We'll see!