Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Set Change

If the backdrop for March was the crayon yellow of our youth, April is all about blues, lilacs, and baby blanket pinks (I'm getting quite literary, huh?).

Taking a walk today I realize that my neighborhood has literally transformed from a week ago - from flaming Daffodils and Forsythia to cool cherry blossoms, lilac bushes, blue bells, Iris, and the coveted Wisteria (ugh, if only the weather on Logan Blvd could sustain this Queen - do your eyes a favor and click on that link).

Even the air feels likes it's changed, from the aggressive Move-Out-of-My-Way-Winter-Here-Comes-Spring to the more laid back Let's-Stroll-Into-Summer-Why-Rush?

All of these photos were taken on my street.  The first one with the quadruple purple threat is my next door neighbor Frank, who has lived in that house for over 30 years.

As with all seasons, there are several varietals I have never seen before.  Trust me, had the sun been shining their colors would have been even more glorious.  For example - Blue Bells.  Do we have those in the Midwest?  They are also some sort of English icon, as the famous Penhaligan's Perfumerie has them as their signature scent.  Look kind of like Lily of the Valley, but, well, blue.

I have also been advised that one MUST see the Blue Bells in bloom at Kew Gardens as they blanket the entire park floor  ... hoping they hang out another couple of weeks so Mom and John can come too.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder those housewives are desperate to live on Wisteria Lane. I love the lavender and soft purple shades. Hope wisteria smells a great as it looks. Can't wait for the next color palate of flowers to bloom in London. Keep the gardening blogs coming.
