Monday, December 31, 2012

December 2012

As I set out today to walk up the main street in my neighbourhood to pick up some last minute groceries for the New Year's party, I couldn't help but take notice of  all that was green and vibrant around me.  I recalled how I had the same sentiment at this time last year ... and the year before.  I am sure there is a blog about it if only I had the patience to look it up.

As a girl from the Midwest U.S. it amazes me that at the end of December, just at the tip of January, new life is springing anew.  Perhaps it is a stark contrast since I just recently parted the greyness, where the ground is entering its deep freeze.  Yet, as I swept the patio this morning I saw the Magnolia tree was budding and out front the bulbs are already peaking their noses out of the damp soil.  As I briskly made my way, each of the luscious greens grabbed at my attention.

How slowly London shows its signs of Spring, as these buds will make their way in their own due time, but I couldn't help but be oh so happy that Fall quickly makes it way to Spring here and dream ever so briefly about the daffodils of March.

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